Large alkalic porphyry-related copper-gold style target
- 4.5 x 5.0-kilometre target area covers favourable magnetic and gravity features identified by analysing pre-competitive airborne geophysical survey data which the Company considers to be part of the prospective Macquarie Arc volcanic sequence.
- The broad target area comprises a 10 x 15-kilometre gravity low embayment within the large regional magnetic high.
- The Company considers the geological setting highly analogous to the Northparkes mine located approximately 200 kilometres to the south.
- Specifically, the Company has identified high amplitude, complex, curvilinear magnetic patterns very similar to those typical of the intrusion-related signatures of the Macquarie Arc mineralized districts.
(Allow long load time for high resolution DCKDH017 core photos)
- Extensive zone of porphyry-style alteration intercepted
- High amplitude magnetic patterns with multiple drill targets
- Interpreted to represent a multi-kilometre-scale intrusive complex.
- Ptygmatic quartz veins intersected at 389.40m and 400.85m are interpreted to represent porphyry style “A veins” and thin centreline quartz-pyrite veins present at 389.4m, 391.25m and 396.6m, are interpreted to represent porphyry-style “B veins”.
- The Company interprets drill hole DCKDH002 to be highly significant as the hydrothermal alteration is suggestive of an outer potassic, porphyry-proximal zone, which should assist with vectoring towards potential mineralisation. Drill core also contains zones of anhydrite veining which the Company specifically considers important as their presence suggests fluids may have been derived from an oxided intrusion at depth.